Futuridium EP Deluxe

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It' s full of cubes...

Futuridium EP Deluxe offers a huge new campaign featuring 50 levels, five bosses, crazy bonus levels, new gameplay mechanics, well-hidden super secret stuff and a slew of unlockable extra modes. And while the continue unlock system will help you reach the end of the game, good luck snagging all of Futuridium’s 150 medals and its Trophies, and competing to reach the top of the leaderboards. Yes, it’s crazy difficult.

Initially released as a PS4 and PS Vita title, the retro-inspired psychedelic shooter Futuridium EP Deluxe succesfully landed on Steam (Windows, MAC, Linux, Steam OS) and on Apple TV as a launch title. It will also be available soon on WiiU and other still unannouced platforms.